Recent Gallup Data reported
1 in 3 adults is functionally illiterate in Houston Metro
41% of Houston metro children do not have the prerequisite skills needed to enter kindergarten ready to learn the skills to read
73% of Houston’s metro 3rd graders don’t read at grade level
As an answer to the need for community intervention, ELLF has Project B.O.L.D to assist with decreasing these frightening numbers.
The ELLF Literacy Box- Each month the families enrolled in the program will receive The ELLF Literacy Box. The box will consist of children’s literature specifically selected to encourage oral language and literacy development. The selected book will be a part of their home library and will be related to other materials and resources in the box to promote social-emotional learning for the child and his or her family.
Oral Language Development-Twice a year, families enrolled in the Project BOLD program will be invited to attend a Family Literacy Fair designed to increase the oral language of their young children. During the carnival-style events, the families will receive resources and materials needed to capitalize on oral language development, which is a critical part of literacy development.
Literacy Development- During the bi-annual Family Literacy Fair events, the families will be introduced to various language and literacy home activities that align with Texas Education Agency PreK Guidelines. The fun hands-on activities are designed to increase literacy development by continually exposing children to oral and written language, and by building on prior knowledge and language experiences.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)- Project B.O.L.D activities address age-appropriate practices which recognize children learn best through play. Project B.O.L.D will present opportunities to engage in play that incorporates literacy tools throughout the entire scope of the project.